
Rent or Buy? One Reporter Tries to Sort it out for Herself

Listen to this informative story on WBEZ about deciding between renting or buying.

There are many important factors in deciding between buying or renting, but just make sure you consider them all before you decide.



Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day & Welcome to my Blog!

In my opinion - when trying to be "Green" it is best to consider both altruistic motives as well as cost savings. Begin with simple easy steps and once the new habits are established then build on that foundation.

Here are five easy first steps:
1. Buy some CFL light bulbs - when the incandescent bulbs burn out then use the new CFLs. You will save money, resources and reduce your carbon footprint.
2. Recycle! When you recycle you create a stream of raw materials which require fewer resources, to become new products, than the resources required when using raw materials. Also you keep them out of landfills, save the city money and it doesn't cost any more than throwing it all away!
3. Landscape with local wildflowers - they look great, require much less water and fertilizer than non-native plants, are hardier and provide a habitat for birds and insects.
4. Buy more fruits and vegetables and buy them from local farmers - better for your health (I need to do this MORE!), you are supporting local businesses and more fruits and vegetables means less packaged and processed food and fewer visits to the doctor!
5. Go outside and play! This requires no explanation as children of all ages need to take time to play.